Should media agencies have jurisdiction over influencers? MediaCat put the question to their network — and Alicia Van Coillie, Greenpark’s Social Media Director EMEA & US, shares her take on the topic which is no. Media agencies should not have jurisdiction over influencers and here’s why.

“Influencers are people who create relevant content. They earned their followers through the content they make by also knowing their audience very well. What influencers are not, are billboards.

Using influencers as billboards is the wrong way to go into influencer marketing, and giving media agencies jurisdiction over them will only push this further. Ultimately, influencers will no longer have the credibility they have now. They already have a hard time holding onto their credibility today.

What needs to be done is treat influencers and their platforms as opportunities for brands to showcase how they can enrich their audience’s/customer’s daily life, by letting an influencer create an example and broadcasting it. Influencer marketing is not about the brand, it’s about the audience of the brand and the influencer, and how brands fit into their lives.”

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