Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day, a moment to honour the phenomenal achievements, resilience, and invaluable contributions of women everywhere. This year, the theme ‘Inspire Inclusion’ perfectly aligns with Greenpark’s core values—We Strive, Act Together, and Lead with Kindness. It’s a powerful reminder of our dedication to creating a workplace where every voice is heard, valued, and empowered.

Honouring Our ‘SHEroes’

In the spirit of celebrating our very own champions, we kicked off the ‘SHEroes’ programme, inviting nominations for those who empower and uplift their female colleagues in a world full of challenges. The response was overwhelming, with over 30 heartfelt nominations pouring in. (Thank you, Greenparkers, for your enthusiasm!)

“A SHEro is not gender-specific, it is someone who strives to champion their female co-workers to feel valued, respected and empowered to thrive.”

“A SHEro is someone who creates a safe space, amplifies diverse voices and speaks up against inequality, discrimination and bad behaviour.”

“A SHEro is someone whose efforts to create a more inclusive and empowering space for all do not go unnoticed. Everyone should be a SHEro. Thank you to all our SHEroes!”

Inclusivity: A Universal Benefit

While today is a day to celebrate women’s achievements, it’s also crucial to recognise that inclusivity benefits us all. It’s about embracing the diverse talents, perspectives, and experiences each person brings to the table. Whether you identify as a woman or not, your efforts to foster a more inclusive and empowering environment for your fellow Greenparkers are deeply appreciated.

By continuing to strive, act together, and lead with kindness, we aim to inspire even greater inclusivity and equality both within our company and beyond. So today, let’s celebrate the progress we’ve made together and keep supporting, amplifying, and championing each other in our quest for equality in everything we do.

Happy International Women’s Day!